Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yesterday we met up with my sweet friend Kimberly and her two children for a picnic at Chickamauga battlefield. I've know Kimberly since I was in 6th grade and she was in 5th. That is like 15 years! Crazy! I often refer to her as "superwoman." She is really amazing. She is a mother to six (yes I said six) children. Her husband brought 3 children into their marriage, they have a two year old little girl, a 9 month old little boy, and another baby due in October! She is an amazing mother. When I start griping about how much I have to do with one child, I often stop and think about her. It is very humbling. We had a great time with Kimberly, Gracie, and Ty. Gracie is such a "little mommy" and just loves Anna Kate. She affectionately refers to her as "Anna Cake." So cute! I think Anna Kate was quite taken with Ty. She has never had anyone that close in age to play with. They were so cute together! We even shared the field with six deer! It was very relaxing time and great to catch up with my friend!


-brittany- said...

Ty's red hair is so cute. I can't believe all the deer!